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connection starter course

It's time to get serious about feeling authentically connected.

It's time to move beyond getting ideas about how you can move through loneliness and get the connection you've been searching for.

It's time to get your Connection Plan: your bespoke plan for feeling authentically connected to your self, to those most important to you and to your communities.

It's your plan to move through a loneliness experience whenever you feel it. You'll get back on your connection path quickly with your own guide.    

You develop this plan when you go through the Connection Starter Course.

You're worthy of that.


Let's go. 


Two ways to access

You can access the Connection Starter Course in two ways: self-directed or in six 1:1 sessions held every two weeks with Phil McAuliffe.

It works

Previous participants have reported feeling significantly more connected at the end of the course. They report feeling empowered to listen to loneliness next time they experience it and they have a plan to respond with connection.

This is exactly what we're meant to do when we experience loneliness. 

What to expect

The course accommodates a variety of learning styles. There are videos throughout the 87-page workbook to guide you through concepts and external resources for you to use as you explore concepts and apply them to your life.

Step-by-step process

The course is in six parts. You'll explore how you've been experiencing loneliness in the first two parts. You'll then find out how you like to feel connected to yourself, to those most important to you and to your communities in the next three parts. Your connection plan brings it all together in the final part.


It's amazing how connected you'll feel by the end of it.  

Go at your pace

If you choose the self-directed option, you can go at your pace. You can choose to smash it out in a few hours or take your time and notice how thoughts and feelings come up for you as you live your life. You can even do it multiple times. You choose.

Measuring your progress

It's important to us that you see your progress towards feeling connected through the course. You'll complete the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Version 3) twice: at the beginning of the course and at the end. We'll be here to celebrate your progress.

Not lonely now?

Great! Like hunger shifts when you eat and thirst shifts when you drink, loneliness shifts when you connect. 

Also, like hunger and thirst, loneliness returns when you need to do more connection again.

The course helps you to know how you prefer to do connection, so when you need to connect again because you are more aware of your loneliness, you have a plan to get what you need, when you need it.

Consider the course a kind of connection tune-up.

How much?

The self-directed Connection Starter Course is AU$795.00.

The 1:1 option with Phil McAuliffe is AU$3,000.

a more connected you awaits

Invest in yourself.

Get your Connection Plan now.

self-directed course

1:1 with Phil McAuliffe

"Make the call, step into the vulnerability. It'll do you wonders and you will notice the benefits of showing up as your true authentic self very quickly. Phil will encourage you and give you real supportive advice that means a lot to many people out there.
Having Phil as a mentor and support person will only improve your ability to show up as your real self, communicate to yourself and to others in ways that are much more beneficial in life.
He will call you forward, he will call you out, he will support you and he will help shape you into the best version of yourself."

P - Auckland/Tāmaki Makaurau, New Zealand

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